First off, all of us here at USHost247 would like to say thank you to all of our clients who have stood by us all these years and to all of the new clients that have recently signed up with us! We greatly appreciate you. 

Unfortunately, we must make an announcement we have hated to even discuss: raising the prices on hosting packages. Who likes price increases? You're right, no one does. Unfortunately, we have increased operating costs due to companies continuously raising the price of their licenses to absurd prices. We don't want to point fingers here, but we are sure you can do a little research and find out what licenses are raising costs, which in turn is raising the prices of hosting plans across the board. 

For the first time since we started offering our services, we are having to increase our costs. We have always been so proud of the low-cost, quality hosting that we have provided, along with our 24/7/365 live chat, phone support, and ticket support. In an effort to not place a burden on our clients by raising our costs too much, we have decided to only raise each plan by $2. We are also looking into our infrastructure to see other ways that we can cut costs and lower the overall operating costs to prevent us from passing this on to our customers.

Effective March 12th, 2023, all hosting plans will increase by $2/month.

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